Upcoming events.

4th Degree Ceremony
For any brother who is interested in joining the 4th degree, the ceremony will be held on November 21st. Please contact Grand Knight Alan De Rosa at alan_derosa@hotmail.com for more information

Used Coat Drive
Donate your new or gently used coats to the Knights of Columbus so we can help those less fortunate this winter.

Used Coat Drive
Donate your new or gently used coats to the Knights of Columbus so we can help those less fortunate this winter.

Pride in Our Priests Dinner
Join us to celebrate the priesthood and give thanks to all those who serve the Catholic Church and their communities.
The Venetian on River Drive in Garfield, NJ

Justice for All Dinner & Awards Ceremony
Catholic Charities is proud to honor the Knights of Columbus at our 17th annual Justice for All Dinner & Awards Ceremony. It is a most appropriate year to recognize the efforts of the Knights of Columbus, particularly their extraordinary generous contributions to Catholic Charities and other relief agencies throughout the pandemic. This generosity reflects beautifully the spirit and vision of the Knights’ founder, Rev. Michael J. McGivney, whose mercy and charity laid the foundation and formed the heart of the Knight’s mission.
Buy tickets here: https://catholiccharitiescamden.org/jfa2021/

Family Day
Saint Joseph’s Church in East Rutherford, NJ will be hosting its annual Family Day. There will be something for the whole family including balloons and face painting, a bouncy house, carnival games, and hamburgers, hot dogs, and soft drinks. Come one, come all - everyone is invited!
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